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Annual press conference 2017

Stay on Nutritious Diet, Start with Iron

The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) held its annual press conference on 28 February. Dr C K Lee, the Chief Executive and Medical Director, reviewed blood donation and supply in 2016.開始周年發布會2017

2016 Blood collection
Dr Lee reported at the press conference that the total attending number of donors in 2016 is 328,318, it increased by 2.1% when compared to 321,722 units in 2015. For blood collection, the BTS collected 258,222 donations for whole blood, platelet and plasma in 2016 which dropped by 1.1% when compared to 261,166 units in 2015 . The main reason for the decreased amount in collection was the increase of donors on deferrals from 60,556 to 70,096, which accounted for a rise of 20%. Among the deferrals, the number of donors due to low haemoglobin level was 40,430, which made up 13%.
In 2016, the nine blood donor centres collected 201,149 blood units which accounted for 77.9% of the total amount of blood collection. It dropped by 0.8% compared to 202,754 units in 2015. 57,073 units were collected from mobile blood drives, mobile vehicles and campus donor centres of universities which accounted for another 22.1% of the total blood collection. However, it dropped by 2.3% when compared to 58,412 units in 2015.
First-time Blood Donors
The number of first-time blood donors is on continued decrease from 36,993 to 36,651 when compared to 2015 which marked a 0.9% decrease. Despite a slight decrease in blood collection, the number of aged 16 youngsters to participate in blood donation increased 7,908 (7,323 in 2015), which rose by 8% when compared to 2015. The BTS hoped that the number of first-time donors will rise again in 2017.
Female and Male Blood Donors
In 2016, 123,463 blood units were collected from 89,849 females whereas 134,759 were collected from 78,744 males. The BTS noticed that the motivation of females in donating blood was higher than males. To take 2016 as an example, about 84,000 females donated once and twice times. However, only 64,000 males donated once and twice times in the past year. The figures showed that females were more willing to support blood donation, though their donation cycle was longer. On the other hand, females had a higher deferral rate due to low haemoglobin level. (16.5% in 2016).
Blood products issue and clinical utilization
Dr Lee pointed out that 493,487 units of blood products (242,379 red blood cell and 251,108 other blood products) were issued to hospitals for patients’ transfusion treatment in 2016, representing a decrease of 2.6% when compared to 506,442 units in 2014.
According to the figures of the Hospital Authority, 217,819 units of red blood cells, 130,657 units of platelets and 67,053 unit of plasma were used by public hospital patients in 2016. For red blood cell, more than 80% were used by medical and geriatric as well as surgical and orthopedic departments. For platelets, more than 80% were used by medical and geriatric department, surgery department and intensive care unit. More than 70% plasma were used by medical and geriatric department. Meanwhile, 62.9% of red blood cells were used by patients over the age of 60 and 28.2% for those over the age of 80. This showed that the ageing population had already increased the blood demand.
Since the population is on continued ageing and the population of youngeters is decreasing, the BTS forecast that blood collection will still be difficult in 2017. By referring to blood demand for 2017 from hospitals in Hong Kong, the BTS estimated that not less than 261,000 units have to be collected in 2017. In addition, to cater for clinical blood transfusion need of patients, the BTS will continue to increase platelet collection through aphersis donation.
Key Initiatives for 2017: Stay on Nutritious Diet, Start with Iron
Dr Lee pointed out that since the situation of deferrals due to low haemoglobin level is serious, the BTS will implement a series of promotional activities - “Stay on Nutritious Diet, Start with Iron” ( for better intake of iron, balanced diet and healthy life, to restore body iron store. In addition, since females are comparatively enthusiastic to share with others, the BTS will focus on discussing physiological periods and iron absorption of females. The BTS planned to invite doctors, nutritionists to introduce nutritious food and anticipated that the number of deferrals due to low haemoglobin level will decrease.
At last, Dr Lee reminds donors to “Stay on Nutritious Diet, Start with Iron”,  in particular “Nutritious” and “Good Shape”. For “Nutritious”, blood donors needed to eat nutritious food and maintain balanced diet. For “Good Shape”, blood donors get well prepared and stay healthy for regular blood donation.