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Blood Components and usage

Blood is made of 4 key components, namely red cell (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), platelet and plasma, of which each component has their specific function in treatment therapy.

Red Cells (Red Blood Cells)
  • Shape: Biconcave disc-shaped cells
  • Diameter: 6~8µm
  • Quantity: 4-6 million/mm³
  • Lifespan: 120 day
  • Function: Deliver oxygen to body tissues & transport  carbon dioxide back to the lungs
  • Treatment: Anaemia
Image: Red Cells (Red Blood Cells)
Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)
  • Shape:  irregular                 
    Characterized as granulocytes or agranulocytes
  • Lifespan:7-14 days
  • Function : Cells of the immune system involved in defending the body against bacterial invasion
  • Treatment: Severe bacterial sepsis
Image: Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)
  • Shape: irregular
  • Diameter: 2~4μm
  • Lifespan : 7 - 9 days
  • Function: Block blood vessels around wound to stop bleeding
  • Treatment: Bleeding due to abnormal condition of platelets, usually occurs in cancer patients of after bone marrow transplantation
Image: Platelets
  • Characteristic: Straw-colored/pale-yellow liquid
  • Composition: Water (92%) and  fibrinogen, antigens, antibodies, albumins, coagulation factors and waste (7%)
  • Function: Deliver red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and various nutrients to the body.  The coagulation factors in plasma can bring about blood clots and prevent bleeding.
  • Treatment: Burns, liver illness or hemorrhage
Image: Plasma