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Environmental Management

Environmental Management
Eco-manufacturing is the BTS commitment to environmental protection through preventing pollution, minimising wastes and reducing resource consumption.
ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System
To achieve the goal of sustainable development and environmental protection, the BTS established an environmental management system (EMS) in 2004. The EMS prevents pollution, minimises wastes and reduces resource consumption. Our certification to ISO14001:2004 standard in 2005 demonstrated that the BTS’ environmental management conforms to the requirements of ISO14001 because of its determined commitment to environmental protection.
Meanwhile, the BTS successfully achieved integrating the ISO14001 Environmental Management System into existing ISO9001/GMP quality management system and upgrading to a new Integrated Management System. The scope has been expanded to include blood donor recruitment, blood and stem cell collection, testing, processing, storage and supply services.
Since establishment of the EMS, the BTS has conducted regular overall environmental reviews in conjunction with monitoring and corrective actions. ISO14001 certification provides a framework for the BTS in setting new environmental targets every year and in ensuring we meet these targets.
In May 2018, a new certification for ISO14001:2015 EMS was successfully obtained after the conduction of recertification audit.
Image: ISO14001:2015 certificate