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"HK Blood" mobile app

1. Start using HK Blood

You may login, register or access HK Blood as guest


Now, logging in with the New HK Blood App is more convenient, you can login with various new methods, including:

Biometric Login & iAMSmart Login

2. Registration

If you do not have a HK Blood account, please register your account first


Only donors who donated before & have provided valid email address can register

3. Guest Mode

If you are a new donor, you may skip login and registration and continue with guest mode


You may still view details of blood donation service and related promotion

4. Appointment Booking


You may book your next appointment via HK Blood

5. Blood Donation Information

You may check your donation record, blood donation services


You may also check your eligibility by conducting a self-test, and also check for your next eligible date via HK Blood

6. GIFT‧OF LIFE blood donation loyalty programme

Register HK Blood and join the latest GIFT‧OF LIFE blood donation loyalty programme

Earn points by donating blood, and redeem the blood donation souvenir

For more detail, please visit:

"GIFT OF LIFE" blood donation loyalty programme


If you have any enquiry regarding account registration, login, user name change or removal, please contact us at 2710 1234 or email to