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Low blood stocks prompt call for blood donations during Chinese New Year holidays


Low blood stocks prompt call for blood donations during Chinese New Year holidays

The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) announced today (February 9) that most BTS donor centres will be open during the Chinese New Year holidays. The BTS appeals to the public to donate blood for patients in need during the Chinese New Year holidays.


The increase in demand for blood transfusions since the commencement of the winter surge has caused blood stocks to run very low in public hospitals. Amid the pressure of the epidemic, as well as the suspension of mobile blood donation services at corporate settings and schools, the amount of blood collection has been consistently low since the beginning of January. The collection is not sufficient to meet the daily blood demand from local hospitals. Public hospitals require a large amount of blood products for clinical transfusion. Sufficient blood supply is crucial at the Accident and Emergency Departments and in critical situations such as organ transplants and emergency operations, as well as to meet blood demand from thalassaemia and blood cancer patients.


The BTS follows stringent measures to safeguard blood safety and infection control. To prevent crowds from gathering and long waiting times at the donor centres, donors are advised to make appointments by calling the BTS' donor centres or via the "HK Blood" mobile app. Members of the public can download the "HK Blood" mobile app via the following link to locate the nearest donor centres across the city and make blood donation appointments:


As a token of thanks, all successful blood donors during the period from February 12 to 15 will receive a CNY Goodie Bag, while stocks last.