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Give blood to save lives during the Easter holiday and Ching Ming Festival

Give blood to save lives during the Easter holiday and Ching Ming Festival

In light of the upcoming extended five-day Easter holiday and Ching Ming Festival, Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) appeals to members of the public to donate blood during the festive season to ensure a stable blood supply. Citizens are also encouraged to share the joy of rebirth at Easter by registering for bone marrow donation. 

Most BTS donor centres will be open during the extended Easter holiday. As a token of thanks, all successful blood donations during April 2-16 at donor centre or donation vehicle will receive a stress ball, which helps facilitate better blood flow during blood donation. The souvenir comes in two designs and will be distributed on a random basis, while stock lasts.  

To prevent crowds from gathering and long waiting time at the donor centres, donors are advised to make appointments by calling the BTS' donor centres or via the "HK Blood" mobile app.: . 

Meanwhile, a new donor centre located at Wan Chai has been in service since early this week. Located at the central business district, the new donor centre would facilitate group donation events of public and private organisations, as well as blood donation appointment for individual donors. Address of the new centre is Unit 3, G/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, with service hours from 10am to 6pm from Mondays to Fridays, and close on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Prospective donors are invited to call the centre on 63925778 for making an appointment.